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Video: Candidates share their views for Iowa
Two candidates with very different visions for Iowa's future. The choice is clear: Norwood

Video: Iowa Press
Iowa Press interviews John Norwood and his opponent. They discuss eminent domain, ethanol, and Iowa water quality.

Video: Iowa Press on PBS
En esta edición de Iowa Press, nuestros invitados son los candidatos a Secretario de Agricultura de Iowa Mike Naig (R - Condado de Dallas), secretario de agricultura titular y John Norwood (D - Ankeny).

Video: Life with Bob
Bob Ferguson interviews John Norwood. They discuss his campaign, Iowa's water quality, and the future of Iowa ag.

Video: IDP Hall of Fame Dinner
IDP Hall of Fame Dinner, guest speaker John Norwood

Video: Que Pasa Iowa
John Norwood habla sobre la calidad del agua en el estado, vehículos eléctricos, agricultura, y por qué Iowa se esta quedando atrás. ¡Es tiempo para cambio!

Video: Iowa State Fair Political Soap Box
John discusses his ideas to create an Iowa Built to Last, which includes safe drinking water and clean waterways.

Video: Lunch & Learn at Iowa Farmers Union
Discussion of creating a balanced vision for an "Iowa Built to Last".

Video: John Norwood at Story County
John share's his vision for Iowa and his solutions

Video: PBS Market to Market
John discusses Iowa's water quality and how it affects citizens and ag.

Video: Issues Iowa Needs to Address
John shares his views on 3 issues facing Iowa.

Video: Iowa Ideas Energy & Environment
John discusses his views and ideas on Iowa's environment.

Video: Iowa Ideas River and Watershed
Panel discussion on Iowa's rivers and factors impacting them.

Video: Meet the Candidates, featuring John Norwood
Candidates share fun trivia about themselves.
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